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My Art Journey


It's nice to have an art journey. I as architecture student, I was just usually obliged to pass artworks to my professors but not like make a storybook out of it, so thanks to this amazing idea of our professor in art class Mr. Roland Lorenzo Ruben, I was able to realize how many arts that I've passed without even sharing them or even making others inspired by it. I've realized that I need to value things especially when in comes to my ideas and originality. So here it is, my art journey. Join me in appreciating and living with ART!!! 

Coffee Painting

This was my first coffee painting so it is really sentimental to me. Coffee painting is actually an easy and enjoyable process of expressing your creativity on paper. This type of art are usually monochromatic, which involves working with only one color, but its potential for art is limitless.


The Eye of a Peacock.

I chose to paint a peacock because like a peacock, I do believe that a peacock is not just my symbolism but a spirit animal. I am like a peacock because it chooses someone where it could show his vibrant colors with its feathers which is rarely seen. A creation that can absorb negative energies and show full empathy to others. All of peacock’s symbolism is a complete package of me. I envision great things for everyone. I admire Royalty from England. I share my faith and spirituality to everyone. I always try to empower others and awaken their spirit. I seek guidance and protection to guide and protect others too. Also, I am a person who has a gift of watchfulness or awareness.

A peacock is a reserved term for a male peafowl and a peahen is a female peafowl.


With the painting that I've made, here is the story real story behind it. There's a twist. 


​It does not only show an image of a peacock that symbolizes men in our planet but, when you try to flip it or rotate it upside down from its view, it shows an illusion of a face particularly with the "EYE" area would be seen. It is a depiction of what is relevant and happening to our society. A face of a man with tears, with deep thoughts and confused about himself because of the influence of the society. He was made a peacock, but he thinks and feels like a peahen.

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